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School consulting for families and companies in Switzerland / Basel

Helping children to become successful in school and supporting parents in navigating the Swiss school system

experienced teacher




well connected

Consulting available in English, German, Dutch, French, Serbian and basic Spanish.

Who needs this service?

Did you know that in Switzerland there is a selection process that starts in primary school?

That is important to know, do you agree? If you are new in Switzerland, it is good to understand how the selection process in public school works and what options your child has.

There are many things to consider – having an educational expert by your side can make life a lot easier and help your child to succeed in school. This is not just the case for newcomers but also for locals.


Swiss school consulting and educational relocation support

Relocating from another country is stressful, especially with children of school-age.

This service can alleviate the load with both educational relocation services on the one hand, and general help in all school-related matters.

At one glance:

  • supporting educational relocations / school changes
  • pre-hire information and/or post-arrival assistance
  • for expat families or companies
  • explaining the school system in Switzerland in general and in Basel specifically
  • how to integrate in Switzerland / Basel
  • how to succeed in school

Based in Basel and covering the area of northwestern Switzerland.

Relocating to the Basel area?

Are public schools or private schools better in Switzerland? Which school is the right one for your kids? How does the school system even work? Is your child allowed to go to high school? How can you help your child learn German faster? How do you facilitate "integration" in Switzerland?

Companies supporting new hires?

Are you looking to support your employees' families to settle in Switzerland? Moving to a new place is hard enough. If your employees do not speak German, the transition is even tougher as their entire family is impacted. I offer expert guidance to reduce stress and allow better focus.

Are you a local?

Everyone might need a little support sometimes! If your child is facing challenges in school, needs a motivation boost, or could benefit from better study habits, professional help can make a big difference. With my experience and advanced qualifications as an educator, I can guide your child towards stronger study skills and greater success in schools.


Your individual needs will be assessed in a first meeting (online or in person), which is free of charge. Then, a suitable service package is suggested depending on what you are looking for. Standard market fees apply.


people doing research

Make choices

Private or public school? Which school fits your needs best? How does the school system work?

family unpacking moving boxes

Get settled in the area

Practical assistance with school registration, translations, learning German, settling into the new life with leisure activities, sports clubs, etc. 

person studying

How to succeed in school

General study skills, learning strategies, coping with stress, finding a healthy school-life balance.

tools hung on a wall

Vocational school?

What is an apprenticeship? How does one choose a vocation? How do you apply for an apprenticeship? What other options are there?  


Sounding board

Does your child have a diagnosis? What are their rights? Are they in the right school? Are you debating a transfer? What options do you have? Do you need help finding therapists?



  • school system
  • public vs. private school
  • selection process for next level schooling
  • university access
  • vocational training
  • transitions
  • special needs children

Practical assistance

  • school registration
  • translations
  • accompanying you to appointments
  • managing cultural differences / expectations
  • how to learn German faster
  • help with school changes
  • finding day care

Local life

  • how to find your footing in a new place
  • leisure activities
  • finding tutors and/or babysitters
  • music lessons
  • sports clubs
  • unwritten rules (like garbage disposal or the laundry room)


  • learning strategies
  • organisational skills
  • time management
  • exam prep support
  • homework support

Who am I?

Eleonora Spasojevic

Having grown up in Switzerland in a migrant family, I care deeply about education and equal opportunities for migrant children. It is important to me that every child receives their ideal education regardless of their personal background. I want to make a difference.

I have been teaching in Basel in a public high school (ages 13-20) since 2011. Always curious about other cultures, I have travelled extensively around the world and speak several languages (English, German, Dutch, French, Serbian and basic Spanish).


  • Teaching degree (Sek II, Pädagogische Hochschule / teacher's college, high school division)
  • Teaching history in a public high school in Basel, IB experience (IB history / Theory of Knowledge)
  • Professional experience in the United Nations and UEFA
  • Student exchange experience: Erasmus program participant, Rotary Counsellor, exchange student coordinator at a local high school
  • Advisor for the European Youth Parliament program at a local high school, active at a European level 
  • Volunteer at www.sprachcafe-basel.ch, supporting expats and adult refugees in gaining German language skills and integrating in Basel

"Every child deserves an extensive support system."

As an experienced educator, I can see the struggles students face on a daily basis. Whether they are immigrants, expats or local children, they all have their own challenges. The help they receive can make a great difference.

Sponsorship program

It is my mission to help children and families – regardless of their financial situation. Substantial discounts are available if you qualify.

Receiving professional help should not depend on your financial means. There are funds available for families in need - I can help you find the best solution for your family. 


As English is not an official language in Switzerland, there is generally little information about the Swiss school system available in English. Acquiring a working knowledge of German somewhere down the road will certainly make your life easier. In the meantime, I am happy to provide the support and the information that you need. Here are some starting points. Contact me if you need further help!

Download pdf: the Swiss Education System

Cantonal education departments

The curriculum

"Lehrplan 21" is the curriculum for mandatory school (kindergarten, primary school and Sek I = up to 9th grade) valid in the 21 German-speaking cantons / areas. Secondary schools (Sek II) mostly have individual curricula. You can find them on their websites.

School holidays

Holidays differ from canton to canton. Typically, there are 4-6 weeks in July/August and 2-3 weeks each in October, for Christmas, in January/February and in spring. But be careful: holidays can even differ between the individual schools and/or municipalities in the same canton!

Holidays (specific dates per school year): BS / BL / AG. If you need the dates in English or for other cantons, you can find links here.

What to do with your children during holidays?

Most parents cannot take 14 weeks off, so what can their children do during holidays? Public schools do not offer holiday programs, but some cantons have a limited number of camps and/or courses for which you can sign your children up online. However, these are 1) not free, 2) mostly sporty, and 3) usually fully booked within minutes! I can advise on some options in the area.

Children with special needs

Children with special needs should (by law) be integrated in common classes wherever possible. The cantons implement this principle differently. If you need information on special education schools, please let me know. Here, you'll find basic information provided by the cantonal education departments (in German only).

Basel-Stadt: special needs

Basel-Land: special needs

Aargau: special needs

Adults learning German

Sprachcafé Basel


Further resources

GGG Migration

Soziales Basel

Expatica: a guide to education in Switzerland

EDK: official information on the school system (in English)

Information on vocational training (in English, but also in other languages from Albanian to Ukrainian)



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